Instinctive Shooting International LLC provides cutting-edge training and consulting to military, government, law enforcement agencies, and the public and private sector.
In an ever-changing and complex world, security concerns are dominant. Enhanced security requires education, training, and specific skills. We offer these to operators of all types, from military and law enforcement organizations to the security industry and private enterprises.
ISI LLC provides end-to-end risk management and comprehensive security solutions to defend people and infrastructure domestically and internationally. Our team of strategic problem solvers has an unwavering moral compass and dedication to creating a safer world. ISI LLC is dedicated to the success of our clients and partner.
Creating a well-prepared military that has the confidence, competency, and skill level to rapidly and effectively respond to a range of hostile situations and threat incidents.
Officers who are well-trained can rapidly execute a well-coordinated response and substantially reduce the risk of injury or loss of life for themselves, the general public and offenders.
In domestic or international missions, visible or covert; Instinctive Shooting operators are trained to identify and react to threats and vulnerability points in order to minimize or avoid potential risks.
The general public has become the prime target of attacks, especially large populated buildings such as schools, malls, hospitals, and business places since they are considered “soft targets”.
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