Hosting a Group

Hosting a Group

We conduct a class with a minimum of 12 paid trainees and a maximum of 40.

Learn about our training and education opportunities

Requirements for Hosting Agencies

The host agency will be responsible to fill the class and must provide a safe training facility. Contact us today for any questions and to get started.

  1. The primary host agency must be a state or local law enforcement agency, or military installation.
  2. Each class is required to be filled with sworn state and local law enforcement officers from multiple agencies and federal or military personnel.
  3. A classroom capable of seating up to 30 people, shoothouse or building (two stories preferred), outdoor shooting range (minimum 25 yards), portable target stands (preferred), and silhouette targets (5 per student).
  4. The host agency will be responsible for registration. We will post the class to our website under ‘ENROLL’, and list the POC’s contact information for registration. Under special circumstances, we can remove the class from the website at the agency’s request.
  5. The host agency is responsible for the advertisement of the class. We will provide you with the course flyer for distribution.
  6. ISI TRAINING CENTER will issue certificates for all classes and, in Texas, we will report hours to TCOLE.
  7. In the event a class can’t be filled, ISI TRAINING CENTER reserves the right to open registration nationwide or cancel the class.

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    $999 per Person

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    Enroll Today!
    $999 per Person

    Check our available course schedule and register.

    $999 per Person

    Please send registration and tuition to Instinctive Shooting International no later than 15 days prior to the course date.

    Have Questions?
    $999 per Person

    Contact Us
    Phone: 832-758-3778


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